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  • 手机微信语音批量转文字 使用百度语音识别

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如果想直接使用,可访问 https://github.com/carr0t2/wechat-asr/releases 下载并使用



  1. Python3.7
  2. silk-v3-decoder https://github.com/kn007/silk-v3-decoder
  3. 百度智能云账号(用百度账号就行),申请 API Key 和 Secret Key
  4. 百度短语音识别API Demo 基于官方Demo代码修改 https://github.com/Baidu-AIP/speech-demo/tree/master/rest-api-asr/python
  5. 本文环境为Windows python3.7


  1. 手机微信找到语音文件保存的位置,导出

  2. 用silk-v3-decoder将录音转换为wav格式

  3. ffmpeg将wav转成pcm,采样频率16000

  4. 用python识别

  5. 仅个人处理方法,有问题欢迎指出



  • 手机微信语音文件一般保存在内部存储\tencent\MicroMsg\****************************\voice2



  • 全部复制粘贴到并提取出音频文件



  • 这些就是录音文件,但是格式比较奇怪,需要处理成常规格式



  • 因为要保持相对顺序,而直接进行转换会导致文件修改时间变化,于是无法恢复正常语音顺序
  • 用python,提取文件修改时间并重命名

import os import time path='.\\lecture' dirs = os.listdir(path) for file in dirs: finfo = os.stat(path+'\\'+file) timeArray = time.localtime(finfo.st_mtime) nametime = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", timeArray) os.rename(path+'\\'+file,path+'\\'+nametime+'.amr') print(nametime)


  • python通过命令行调用silk_v3_decoder.exe 解码,具体命令写在下面
  • pcm文件好像无法直接播放,Audacity是可以的


  • 先copy代码



  • 填 API Key 和 Secret Key

  • 写python,个人只稍微改了一部分,全部代码贴在github


  • silk_v3_decoder.exe转格式为16k pcm

FORMAT = 'pcm' pathamr=r'.\amr' pathpcm=r'.\pcm' dirs = os.listdir(pathamr) #dirs.remove('desktop.ini')### Windows可能会有这个文件 for file in dirs: time.sleep(0.3) name=file[:-3] commandstring= ' silk_v3_decoder.exe ' + str(pathamr) + '\\' + name + 'amr ' + str(pathpcm) +'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm' +' -Fs_API 16000 ' os.system(commandstring) AUDIO_FILE =str(pathpcm)+'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm'


  • 使输出为追加,并且增加时间字段,后续处理还没有做,所以导出的文件还是json

with open("result.txt","a") as of: result_dict=eval(result_str) result_dict["time"]=name of.write(str(result_dict)+'\n')


  • 刚学python,随便写写,欢迎指出错误
  • 文件后续处理还没有做好,想做成输出是前面一行时间,后面一行识别内容,如果有识别偏差较大,方便找到位置重新听
  • 没有做到全程自动化,还是要手动处理内容的。
  • 没用到百度的语音自训练平台


import sys import json import base64 import time import os import subprocess IS_PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3 if IS_PY3: from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.request import Request from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.parse import urlencode timer = time.perf_counter else: from urllib2 import urlopen from urllib2 import Request from urllib2 import URLError from urllib import urlencode if sys.platform == "win32": timer = time.clock else: # On most other platforms the best timer is time.time() timer = time.time API_KEY = '****************'### 填入自己的 SECRET_KEY = '*****************' # 需要识别的文件 # 文件格式 FORMAT = 'pcm' # 文件后缀只支持 pcm/wav/amr 格式,极速版额外支持m4a 格式 ###这里为了方便直接限制死 CUID = '****************' # 采样率 RATE = 16000 # 固定值 DEV_PID = 1537 # 1537 表示识别普通话,使用输入法模型。根据文档填写PID,选择语言及识别模型 ASR_URL = 'http://vop.baidu.com/server_api' SCOPE = 'audio_voice_assistant_get' # 有此scope表示有asr能力,没有请在网页里勾选,非常旧的应用可能没有 class DemoError(Exception): pass """ TOKEN start """ TOKEN_URL = 'http://openapi.baidu.com/oauth/2.0/token' def fetch_token(): params = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': API_KEY, 'client_secret': SECRET_KEY} post_data = urlencode(params) if (IS_PY3): post_data = post_data.encode( 'utf-8') req = Request(TOKEN_URL, post_data) try: f = urlopen(req) result_str = f.read() except URLError as err: print('token http response http code : ' + str(err.code)) result_str = err.read() if (IS_PY3): result_str = result_str.decode() print(result_str) result = json.loads(result_str) print(result) if ('access_token' in result.keys() and 'scope' in result.keys()): print(SCOPE) if SCOPE and (not SCOPE in result['scope'].split(' ')): # SCOPE = False 忽略检查 raise DemoError('scope is not correct') print('SUCCESS WITH TOKEN: %s EXPIRES IN SECONDS: %s' % (result['access_token'], result['expires_in'])) return result['access_token'] else: raise DemoError('MAYBE API_KEY or SECRET_KEY not correct: access_token or scope not found in token response') """ TOKEN end """ if __name__ == '__main__': token = fetch_token() pathamr=r'.\amr' pathpcm=r'.\pcm' dirs = os.listdir(pathamr) #dirs.remove('desktop.ini')### Windows可能会有这个文件 for file in dirs: time.sleep(0.2) name=file[:-3] commandstring= ' silk_v3_decoder.exe ' + str(pathamr) + '\\' + name + 'amr ' + str(pathpcm) +'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm' +' -Fs_API 16000 ' os.system(commandstring) ######下面没怎么动过了 AUDIO_FILE =str(pathpcm)+'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm' speech_data = [] with open(AUDIO_FILE, 'rb') as speech_file: speech_data = speech_file.read() length = len(speech_data) if length == 0: raise DemoError('file %s length read 0 bytes' % AUDIO_FILE) speech = base64.b64encode(speech_data) if (IS_PY3): speech = str(speech, 'utf-8') params = {'dev_pid': DEV_PID, #"lm_id" : LM_ID, #测试自训练平台开启此项 'format': FORMAT, 'rate': RATE, 'token': token, 'cuid': CUID, 'channel': 1, 'speech': speech, 'len': length } post_data = json.dumps(params, sort_keys=False) # print post_data req = Request(ASR_URL, post_data.encode('utf-8')) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') try: begin = timer() f = urlopen(req) result_str = f.read() print ("Request time cost %f" % (timer() - begin)) except URLError as err: print('asr http response http code : ' + str(err.code)) result_str = err.read() if (IS_PY3): result_str = str(result_str, 'utf-8') print(result_str) with open("result.txt","a") as of: result_dict=eval(result_str) #result_dict["time"]=name #of.write(str(result_dict)+'\n') of.write('{'+name+'}'+'\n') try: of.write(str(result_dict["result"])[2:-2]+'\n\n') except: of.write('Error'+'\n')


本文作者carr0t2 本文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/carr0t/p/baiduasr.html
