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  • C# | Byte。比较(字节)法

C# | Byte。比较(字节)法

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-byte-compare tobyte-method/

此方法用于将此实例与指定的 8 位无符号整数进行比较,并返回其相对值的指示。 语法:

public int CompareTo (byte value);

这里,是一个 8 位无符号整数进行比较。 返回值:该方法返回一个有符号整数,表示该实例与的相对顺序。

  • 小于零:此实例小于
  • 零:这个实例等于
  • 大于零:此实例大于

以下程序说明了字节的使用。比较(字节)方法: 例 1:

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// Byte.CompareTo(byte)
// Method
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Declaring val1 and val2
        byte val1, val2;

        // initializing the val1,
        // val2 and val3
        val1 = 12;
        val2 = 13;

        // getting compared constant
        // using CompareTo method
        int i = val2.CompareTo(val1);

        // checking the condition
        if (i > 0)
            Console.Write("val2 is greater than val1");

        else if (i < 0)
            Console.Write("val2 is less than val1");

            Console.Write("val1 is equal to val1");


val2 is greater than val1

例 2:

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// Byte.CompareTo(byte)
// Method
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // checking the condition
        // calling check() method
        check((byte)10, (byte)20);
        check((byte)30, (byte)20);
        check((byte)10, (byte)10);
        check((byte)5, (byte)7);
        check((byte)40, (byte)50);
        check((byte)1, (byte)2);

    // Defining the check method
    public static void check(byte v1, byte v2)

        // getting compared constant
        // using CompareTo() method
        int i = v1.CompareTo(v2);

        // checking the condition
        if (i > 0)
            Console.WriteLine(v1 + " is greater than " + v2);

        else if (i < 0)
            Console.WriteLine(v1 + " is less than " + v2);

            Console.WriteLine(v1 + " is equal to " + v2);


10 is less than 20
30 is greater than 20
10 is equal to 10
5 is less than 7
40 is less than 50
1 is less than 2


  • https://docs . Microsoft . com/en-us/dotnet/API/system . byte . compare to?view = net framework-4 . 7 . 2 # System _ Byte _ compare to _ System _ Byte _
