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  • C# |数组列表。插入范围()方法

C# |数组列表。插入范围()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-ArrayList-insert range-method/

数组列表。C# 中的 InsertRange(Int32,ICollection)方法用于将集合中的元素插入到指定索引处的数组列表中。也就是说,插入的元素属于一个集合(即队列等)。


public virtual void InsertRange (int index, ICollection element);


  • 索引:是索引,新元素要插入的地方。
  • 元素:是集合,其元素将被插入到数组列表中的指定索引处。

注意: 集合不能为空,但可以包含为空的元素。


  • 参数空异常:如果元素为空。
  • argumentoutofrangerexception:如果指数小于零或指数大于计数器。
  • notSupportDexception:如果数组列表是只读的或者数组列表具有固定的大小。

例 1:

// C# program to demonstrate the 
// ArrayList.InsertRange(Int32, 
// ICollection) Method
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // initializes a new ArrayList
        ArrayList ArrList = new ArrayList();

        // adding values in the 
        // ArrayList using "Add"

        // initializes a new Stack
        // as collection
        Stack s = new Stack();

        // pushing values in the stack
        // values are pop as B, C

        // Displays the ArrayList and the Queue
        Console.WriteLine("The ArrayList initially has:");
        Console.WriteLine("The collection initially has:");

        // Copies the elements of the stack 
        // to the ArrayList at index 1.
        ArrList.InsertRange(1, s);

        // Displays the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine("After insert the collection in the ArrList:");

    // Display function
    public static void Display(IEnumerable ArrList)
        foreach(Object a in ArrList)
            Console.Write("   " + a);


The ArrayList initially has:
   A   D   E   F
The collection initially has:
   B   C
After insert the collection in the ArrList:
   A   B   C   D   E   F

例 2: +

// C# program to demonstrate the 
// ArrayList.InsertRange(Int32, 
// ICollection) Method
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // initializes a new ArrayList
        ArrayList ArrList = new ArrayList();

        // adding values in the ArrayList
        // using "Insert" method
        ArrList.Insert(0, "A");
        ArrList.Insert(1, "D");
        ArrList.Insert(2, "E");
        ArrList.Insert(3, "G");

        // Initializes a new Stack
        // as collection
        Stack s = new Stack();

        // pushing values in the stack
        // values are pop as B, C

        // Displays the ArrayList and the Queue.
        Console.WriteLine("The ArrayList initially has:");
        Console.WriteLine("The collection initially has:");

        // Copies the elements of the stack 
        // to the ArrayList at index 1.
        ArrList.InsertRange(1, s);

        // Displays the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine("After insert the collection in the ArrList:");

        // insert F by finding the index of G
        // using IndexOf() method
        ArrList.Insert(ArrList.IndexOf("G"), "F");
        Console.WriteLine("After inserting F before G:");

    // Display function
    public static void Display(IEnumerable ArrList)
        foreach(Object a in ArrList)
            Console.Write(" " + a);


The ArrayList initially has:
 A D E G
The collection initially has:
 B C
After insert the collection in the ArrList:
 A B C D E G
After inserting F before G:
 A B C D E F G


  • https://docs . Microsoft . com/en-us/dotnet/API/system . collections . ArrayList . insert range?视图=netframework-4.8
