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  • c#中的匿名方法

c# 中的匿名方法


匿名方法是在 C# 2.0 中引入的不包含任何名称的方法。当用户想要创建一个内联方法,并且还想像其他方法一样在匿名方法中传递参数时,它非常有用。使用 【委托】 关键字定义匿名方法,用户可以将该方法分配给委托类型的变量。


    // Code..


// C# program to illustrate how to 
// create an anonymous function
using System;

class GFG {

    public delegate void petanim(string pet);

    // Main method
    static public void Main()

        // An anonymous method with one parameter
        petanim p = delegate(string mypet)
            Console.WriteLine("My favorite pet is: {0}",


My favorite pet is: Dog


  • 这种方法也被称为内联委托
  • 使用此方法,您可以创建委托对象,而无需编写单独的方法。
  • This method can access variable present in the outer method. Such type of variables is known as Outer variables. As shown in the below example fav is the outer variable.


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how an  // anonymous function access variable // defined in outer method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Create a delegate     public delegate void petanim(string pet);

    // Main method     static public void Main()     {

    string fav = "Rabbit";

    // Anonymous method with one parameter         petanim p = delegate(string mypet)         {             Console.WriteLine("My favorite pet is {0}.",                                                  mypet);

    // Accessing variable defined             // outside the anonymous function             Console.WriteLine("And I like {0} also.", fav);         };         p("Dog");     } } ```


    ```cs My favorite pet is Dog. And I like Rabbit also.


  • 您可以将此方法传递给另一个接受委托作为参数的方法。如下例所示:


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how an  // anonymous method passed as a parameter using System;

    public delegate void Show(string x);

    class GFG {

    // identity method with two parameters     public static void identity(Show mypet,                                string color)     {         color = " Black" + color;         mypet(color);     }

    // Main method     static public void Main()     {

    // Here anonymous method pass as          // a parameter in identity method         identity(delegate(string color) {             Console.WriteLine("The color"+            " of my dog is {0}", color); },                                  "White");     } } ```


    ```cs The color of my dog is BlackWhite


  • In anonymous methods, the parameter list is allowed to be deleted, which means that anonymous methods can be converted into delegates.

  • Anonymous method block refers to the range of parameters in anonymous methods.
  • Anonymous methods do not contain jump statements such as goto, break or continue.
  • Anonymous methods do not access unsafe code.
  • Anonymous methods do not access the in, ref, and out parameters of the external scope.
  • You cannot use anonymous methods to the left of the is operator.
  • 也可以使用匿名方法作为事件处理程序。


    cs // C# program to illustrate how an  // anonymous method use as a  // event handler MyButton.Click += delegate(Object obj, EventArgs ev) {     System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Complete without error...!!"); }
